Eco-Design Engineer (KED)

Perform efficient Lifecycle Assessment studies and elect best design alternatives, respecting assigned goals to deliver performant innovative products
  • Enforce environmental targets to drive design and manufacturing processes
  • Enrich the Virtual Twin with human activities from ecoinvent database v3.9.1
  • Leverage EF 3.0, ReCiPe 2016, IPCC 2021, TRACI v2.1, EPS 2020 environmental methods for different scope of Lifecycle Assessment studies
  • Assess environmental metrics of the complete/configured product or manufacturing definition
  • Reveal and introspect in 3D environmental impacts
  • Perform trade-off studies to elect the best sustainable alternatives
  • Create new Human Activities to capture specific processes
  • Monitor environmental metrics evolution with traceability to check convergence dynamic
  • Share consistent & exhaustive lifecycle assessment results to all stakeholders

Included apps

Business Activities Definition

Business Performance Assessment

Business Target Definition

Business Value Definition

Eco-Design Assessment