Eco-Design Engineer (KED)

Full digitalized Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to assess the sustainability of your project

Eco-design (also known as sustainable design) aims to reduce the environmental impacts of a product throughout its life cycle: from the extraction of raw materials, to production, distribution, and its use until its end of life. It balances environmental considerations with economic and social benefits, driving innovation while preserving natural resources and promoting human well-being.

Adopting eco-design principles is essential for a sustainable future and to remain competitive and responsible in an increasingly environmentally conscious market.

1 commercial role(s) made available
Shot   Name Overview
Screenshot KED Eco-Design Engineer Perform efficient Lifecycle Assessment studies and elect best design alternatives, respecting assigned goals to deliver performant innovative products

5 included apps

Business Activities Definition

Business Performance Assessment

Business Target Definition

Business Value Definition

Eco-Design Assessment