Systems Pneumatic Library (PMZ)

Design pneumatic systems and predict their behaviors for a large range of industrial applications

The Modelica based Pneumatics Library enables the modeling and simulation of pneumatics systems using gas and especially compressed air, such as industrial machines, pneumatic brakes or suspension systems for transportation industry as well as cooling and engine bleed air systems for aerospace.

  • Accelerate development convergence by enabling fast simulations within a complex multi-physics system
  • Simplification in design processes by easily composing pneumatic systems with other disciplines and bringing a common understanding of the system behavior
  • Asses and validate control laws, as well as component dimensioning for pneumatic systems from conceptual design to validation phases
  • This library helps to model physical effects such as,
    • Capacitance: Energy Storage
    • Resistance: Energy Dissipation
    • Power Transformation: Mechanical and Thermal