Structural Engineer (SLL)

Provide design engineers powerful and intuitive tools needed to perform linear structural simulations during the design process

The Structural Engineer role allows you to:

  • Test structural performance with a unique guided Workflow for Linear Static, Frequency, Buckling, Steady State Thermal, Harmonic and Modal Dynamic analysis types
  • Easily assess large assembly performance with intuitive contact definition and powerful contact detection capability
  • Evaluate structural KPIS of any geometry type with high quality meshing including solid, shell and beam elements with automatic mesh generation
  • Enable high performance results visualization, particularly for very large models
  • Include compute up to 4 cores

Included apps

Converter for IGES

Converter for STEP

Linear Structural Scenario Creation

Material Definition

Parametric Design Study Essentials

Physics Results Explorer

Physics Simulation Review

Simulation Manager

Structural Model Creation