Collaborative Designer for CATIA V5 (UE5)

Enables designers to share design data and enrich CATIA® V5 with embedded productivity and lifecycle management apps.

Collaborative Designer for CATIA V5 connects CATIA V5 to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, enabling secure enterprise-wide sharing of design data. Using a common product structure, Collaborative Designer for CATIA V5 promotes efficient collaboration across disciplines and design teams.

Using Collaborative Designer for CATIA V5, designers can save data to the platform, access lifecycle management capabilities and search for components. Beyond basic CAD file management, designers can also maintain revision history, manage tasks and changes, access related documents, organize content and communicate with colleagues, all from within the CATIA V5 interface.

Included apps

CAD Data Processor Monitoring

Derived Format Converter

Design with CATIA V5

IP Import

Import XPDMXML without Geometrical Conversion